DevilKing's blog



Event Driven changes everything


This continuous state of change means that legacy architectures are insufficient or unsuitable to meet the needs of the modern organization. Applications must be able to run 24×7 with 5-9s (uptime of 99.999%), as well as be superelastic, global and cloud native.

to become real time, they must be event driven

A sequence of related events is commonly called a stream

This raises numerous questions. Is ordering important? Do I want to ensure transactionality? How do I trust the execution? Security? Lineage? Where did the event come from?假定事件已经发生了,不可变了,我们的领域模型需要做出什么样的changes来回应这些


In the real world, the nature of the “event” can be described as:

  • Atomic: something happened (bid on an item, send an email, device temperature)
  • Related: a stream or sequence of events (tracking a pricing change, device metrics changes over time)
  • Behavioral: the accumulation of facts captures behavior



How is the event treated within a system? All of the following questions get asked as the event-driven architecture is developed:

  • Is it observable, and are the flows of streams behaving as expected?
  • Is it trusted, meaning transactional, exactly one or at least once? Will it scale?
  • Is stateless processing, such as filtering, projection, cleaning or enrichment required? Is stateful processing, such as aggregations or stateful sequence processing required?
  • Is a materialized view against the stream required? How many transactions per second are required for a windowed view?
  • Do we want to scale/fan/map out (parallelize), fan in/collect and, build materialized views?
  • Does it support error handling, such as error flows and dead letter queue?
  • Does it send and transform events from one stream into others (stream processing)?
  • Does it react and drive intelligence from the state collected from a stream (stream processing)?

event-first vs event-command



Event-first analog: I walk into a room, generate an “entered room” event and the light turns on. This is a reaction to an event.

Event-command analog: I walk into a room, flip the light switch and the light turns on. This is a command.

The pure event-first approach described above demonstrates:

  • Decoupling: Processors don’t know anything about upstream or downstream processors
  • Encapsulation: There are clean boundaries between processors.
  • Inverted knowledge: Knowledge and responsibility are reversed.
  • Evolutionary change: The system and events can change over time.
  • Event sourcing: When using a log and log-aware stream processors, we gain the ability to potentially rebuild and restore application state. It’s not a free lunch; the application state needs to be captured and managed.