DevilKing's blog



Programming Models for the Event-driven architecture


Distributed object (RPC sync), service-oriented architecture (SOA), enterprise service bus (ESB), event-driven architecture (EDA), reactive programming to microservices and now FaaS have each built on the learnings of the previous.

####Event-driven reactive system

The Reactive Manifesto has influenced many frameworks and platforms, including Akka (an actor-based library circa 1973), Vert.x (reactive microservices) and Lagom (an opinionated, reactive microservice framework)

The Akka scaling mechanism uses a cluster service which pools actors from remote nodes that join as cluster members. Inactive actors are persisted to disk to minimize idle resource requirements

Persistent actors will store their set of events to a journal (log)



Event-driven stream system

Stream processor patterns enable filtering, projections, joins, aggregations, materialized views and other streaming functionality.

A proven approach is to capture domain knowledge as events using [domain-driven design](http://A proven approach is to capture domain knowledge as events using Domain Driven Design (DDD) and event storming. This approach works well because the events centric view forces the use of a ubiquitous language; the business, technologist, developers and ops all have a common understanding of the systems functions.)(DDD) and event storming. This approach works well because the events-centric view forces the use of a ubiquitous language; the business, technologist, developers and ops all have a common understanding of the system’s functions

Stream processors can also be used to materialize tables from the stream of events to enable a view of the data (e.g., how much money was in my account at time X). The term is called turning the database inside out

Unlike a traditional database, the platform scales horizontally to thousands of processors, observe real-time events, replay streams on demand to perform historical processing and catch up with the live, data-in-motion view.

A traditional OLTP system uses a two-phase commit to move money from a debit account to a credit account. It is very simple but presents scalability challenges. In the event-driven world, we’d build a scalable model where the event streams flow between processors. By the end of the flow, the payment is transacted. (通过分拆processor达到transacted的特点)

scaling mechanism


Comparing persistence models


持久化,通过event log的方式

With stream processing, the log stores the truth for the entity; it is organized as a stream. The log (stream) also stores every version of the entity.

The event streaming platform provides the means of storing data as a stream and streaming events at scale. In order to facilitate this functionality the underlying protocol needs to ensure qualities such as offline status, different consumer rates, high throughput, low latency and elasticity (amongst others). The consumer model is one which exposes the protocol to the developer; this means the
consumer will have the opportunity to ACK, NACK message receipt and interact with the correctness of accepting a message payload.

We also hear about backpressure being a concern to control event throughput. I would question if this is actually a requirement or
marketing speak. Brokered systems like Kafka provide huge buffers (the default in Kafka is two weeks) which negate the need for explicit flow control for the vast majority of use cases. In the very few that remain you can easily build backpressure as a control plane detail; it would be developed using stream processors that analyze throughput of events and apply rate limiting events to the relevant producers.(由于提供buffer的问题,backpressure基本不需要考虑)

However, for event-sourcing, things get more complex; the ability to rebuild application state on demand needs a dedicated framework and process control to ensure point-in-time or snapshot state is correctly rebuilt. You cannot simply start replaying events from an offset and expect the downstream aggregates to be deterministically reproduced as they were previously. (关于恢复的困难性)

All of the trust and resilience is based upon the event streaming platform’s correctness and guarantees of working with the commit log.(面向commit log部分)


By storing only the events and never the commands, we have a wealth of capability that not only allows the system to be refined, extended and proven but also supports evolutionary change.