DevilKing's blog



Knative Eventing



  1. Knative Eventing services are loosely coupled. These services can be developed and deployed independently on, and across a variety of platforms (for example Kubernetes, VMs, SaaS or FaaS).
  2. Event producers and event consumers are independent. Any producer (or source), can generate events before there are active event consumers that are listening. Any event consumer can express interest in an event or class of events, before there are producers that are creating those events.
  3. Other services can be connected to the Eventing system. These services can perform the following functions:
    • Create new applications without modifying the event producer or event consumer.
    • Select and target specific subsets of the events from their producers.
  4. Ensure cross-service interoperability. Knative Eventing is consistent with theCloudEventsspecification that is developed by theCNCF Serverless WG.

A Broker provides a bucket of events which can be selected by attribute. It receives events and forwards them to subscribers defined by one or more matching Triggers.

A Trigger describes a filter on event attributes which should be delivered to an Addressable. You can create as many Triggers as necessary.

event broker

control plane