# First stage: build the executable. FROM golang:1.12.5-alpine AS builder
# git is required to fetch go dependencies RUN apk add --no-cache ca-certificates git
# Create the user and group files that will be used in the running # container to run the process as an unprivileged user. RUNmkdir /user && \ echo'nobody:x:65534:65534:nobody:/:' > /user/passwd && \ echo'nobody:x:65534:' > /user/group
# Copy the predefined netrc file into the location that git depends on COPY ./netrc /root/.netrc RUNchmod 600 /root/.netrc
# Set the working directory outside $GOPATH to enable the support for modules. WORKDIR /src
# Fetch dependencies first; they are less susceptible to change on every build # and will therefore be cached for speeding up the next build COPY ./go.mod ./go.sum ./ RUN go mod download
# Import the code from the context. COPY . .
# Build the executable to `/app`. Mark the build as statically linked. RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 go build \ -installsuffix 'static' \ -o /app .
# Final stage: the running container. FROM scratch AS final
# Import the user and group files from the first stage. COPY --from=builder /user/group /user/passwd /etc/
# Import the Certificate-Authority certificates for enabling HTTPS. COPY --from=builder /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/
# Import the compiled executable from the first stage. COPY --from=builder /app /app
# Perform any further action as an unprivileged user. USER nobody:nobody