DevilKing's blog



Airflow at lyft


  • DAG: a workflow which glues all tasks with inter-dependecies
  • Operator: a template for a specific type of work to be executed. For example, BashOperator represents how to execute a bash script while PythonOperator represents how to execute a python function, etc.
  • Sensor: a type of special operator which will only execute if a certain condition is met.
  • Task: a parameterized instance of an operator/sensor which represents a unit of actual work to be executed.
  • Plugin: an extension to allow users to easily extend Airflow with various custom hooks, operators, sensors, macros, and web views.
  • Pools: concurrency limit configuration for a set of Airflow tasks

airflow architecture

A celery queuecheck by scheduling a dummy task to every queue.

The “canary” DAG helps the oncall to answer the following questions:

  • how long it takes for the Airflow scheduler to schedule the task (scheduled execution_time — current_time).
  • how long it takes for celery worker to pick up the task.
  • how long the task runs.

monitor 其任务的状态,以及整体队列的挤压情况

dag dependency部分缺失,以及整体的状态上有缺失,应该是已经有了。。。